Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Now the Party Don't Start 'til I Walk In: My 21st Birthday Part 2! (1/15 continued)

So my 21st birthday continued Saturday night with the making of a delicious chocolate cake. Odd thing: they don't sell frosting in the UK, or at least I could not find any in the grocery store. Instead, I had to go with the equally delicious but somewhat more strange Chocolate Spread.

Many of my new Edinburgh friends came to celebrate and eat cake in my flat which was awesome, and for my first baking abroad experience, I think the cake turned out pretty darn well.

The party then continued in the student union building, Teviot, which was built in the 1800s and hosts a total of 4 bars and one nightclub. Only in Scotland, right?

We finished off the night at this really cool underground club with stone walls and really weird European techno music. Overall, I had a great night and a truly fantastic 21st birthday! Thanks so much to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday and to those who helped me celebrate here in Edinburgh! <3

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